
Hope – Going back to school

Hope talks about the shift she felt when she went back to school after her father’s death.

Madelyn – Rituals and the Chinese grieving process

Madelyn talks about expressing your grief in Chinese cultures and how rituals are a war of grieving providing comfort

Doug M – “Waiting before making major changes”

Doug discusses the importance of waiting to make decisions after you have developed your new life. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Janice – “Own our feelings”

Janice discusses the goals of emotional work and arriving at a peaceful place.

Claudia – What do I do when my art is finished

Claudia explains some helpful tips after your art is finished

Justin – Expression and grief

Justin talks about what his grief is like and hope

Amanda – “Ministry of Presence”

Amanda discusses how being present with someone can be helpful.

Jean – It’s all about love

Jean talks about losing her husband to a heart attack on valentines day

Karyn and Aidan – Coping with the COVID restrictions

Karyn and Aidan talk about how they dealt with not being able to visit John in hospital

Krista – “Just be there”

Krista explains how being a listening ear can be so helpful. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Matt – Music helped my grief

Matt discusses how creativity and music help his grief

Adrienne – Gloria’s story

Adrienne tells the story of Gloria writing a song based on her husband’s whistling