
Janice – “Grief can be complicated”

Janice discusses disenfranchised grief and holding on to hurt.

Jim – Helping by listening

Jim – ” I talk about how to be a good listener to someone who is grieving. I believe that one of the most important things you can do for someone who is grieving is to simply listen. Don’t try to fix their problems or offer advice. Just listen and be there for them. It can be as simple as meeting for coffee or taking a walk together. You’re doing more help than you realize when you simply listen to someone.

Andrea – My Story

Andrea shares her story of losing her husband during a pandemic

Katie – Intellectual disabilities and grief

Katie discusses how many people don’t realize people with disabilities grieve too.

Kara “It Changes You”

Kara tells her story and explains how things have changed on her journey. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Caleigh – Play Therapy

Caileigh explains how play therapy, a form of psychotherapy can help children in grief. It is specifically used when working with children and families and youth because it’s developmentally appropriate. They are never expected to sit down and to talk. And it is through the language of play that they’re able to learn about the confusing feelings of grief. They are able to learn new skills to cope with their grief, and they’re able to go at their own pace.