Death of a Parent

Matt – Wisdom to pass on

Matt offers advice to his younger self about grief. Matt continues to grieve the death of his birth mother.

Lisa – Music and her connection with her father

Lisa talks about the gratitude she has for reconnecting with her father before he died and how much music was a connection for them

Hope – Different lenses

Hope shares about the differences in experiences between losing her father and her Mom losing a spouse

Karyn and Aidan – Support.

Karyn and Aidan discuss how much the support they received helped

Kim – Self care

Kim talks about looking after yourself and how much it helps. In particular be kind to yourself

Mary S – Dogs

Mary talks about how special dogs are and how much they helped her grief

Cheryl and Mike – “Grieving more than one person”

Mike and Cheryl discuss how it gets complicated with multiple losses. They continue to grieve Cheryl’s father and the death their daughter in a car accident.

Karyn and Aidan – Describing grief during the pandemic

Karyn and Aidan talk about how their grief has changed and the challenges they have faced grieving during a pandemic

Learning from Grief

Grief is weird. Odd start, I know, but that was the sentence I used a lot whenever someone asked me how I was. It was never a constant feeling; it changed day to day. And still does. It’s the full gambit of emotions from sadness to anger to guilt and, though dark, even humour found its way in.

Karyn and Aidan – Support from others

Karyn and Aidan discuss how family, friends, and people they didn’t know in the community supported them.Talking, meals, dog walking are among the things that made a huge difference.

Kim – You can get through this

Kim talks about the difference between her Dad and her Mum’s death

Zoreena – Ask for help

Zoreena explains how important it is to ask for help