Death of a Partner

Holly – Every grief is unique

Holly talks about how grief can make you feel like you have lost your soul but that there is something to learn

John – My Story

John tells the story of his wife became ill suddenly and died

Doug M – “Planning for Death”

Doug talks about how planning for a funeral and life after his wife’s death was helpful. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Kara “It Changes You”

Kara tells her story and explains how things have changed on her journey. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Holly – Befriending our mortality workshops

Holly explains how creating can be helpful with grief and how we don’t talk about death

Shannon – Guilt vs Shame

Shannon talks about guilt can be a part of the grieving process but shame has to do with “is there something wrong with me”

John – Support over time

John discusses how support changes over time

John – Being helpful to someone in grief

John shares his thoughts on how to help someone in grief

John – Dating again

John talks about being asked by his daughters if he would ever date again

Mary S – The value of writing

Mary talks about how much writing has helped inlcuding writing what her partner would have said

Karyn and Aidan – Going forward

Karyn and Aidan talk about Aidan’s wedding after John died and how they continue to cope

Kara – Starting a grief journey again

Kara explains how Covid-19 has made her have to relearn tools to help in her grief. The pandemic changed the way Kara continued to grieve the loss of her partner.