
Cheryl B – Lyrics, melody and story

Cheryl discusses story and the power of lyrics

Lisa -How grief changes

Lisa talks about being lost after her Dad passed away and two years later how she has come to a place of groundedness

Cheryl B – My dream of creating a choir

Cheryl talks about she created a number of choirs including children, female physicians and seniors… Voices Rock Canada

Mary – What I would say to my younger self

Mary talks about what she has learned about grief

Valmy – My story of loss

Valmy talks but the death of her uncle

Maureen – Writing a song for a friend who is dying

Maureen talks about writing as song for a dying friend

Holly – Singing in the last days

Holly talks about her partner’s pancreatic cancer diagnosis, the pandemic, their decisions, faith and how singing

Justin – Song writing and lyrics

Justin explains how lyrics can help convey feelings and how loss has impacted you

Matt – Music helped my grief

Matt discusses how creativity and music help his grief

Sara – My Story

Sara talks about why she became a music therapist, espression and connecting to feelings

Scott – Lyrics

Scott – Talks about how a friend in grief helped with the lyrics of “So far away”.Find the song at his website

Cale – Celebrate the life

Cale talks about sacred fire, grief and celebrating the life