
Lynda – “Resilience”

Lynda discusses what resilience is all about

Bryan – Anticipation

Bryan discusses the experience of having his father go through a coma and ultimately dying from gun violence

Mary – Taking songwriting classes

Mary explains two reasons why people take songwriting classes

Ellen – “Grieving her grandmother”

Ellen talks about her grief and the loss of her grandmother.

Donna – “Living with grief”

Donna talks about the threads of grief and her personal experience.

Jessica M – It’s OK not to cry

Jessica discusses how grief is individual and finding the way forward can be different for everyone.

Carrie – Grief and creativity

Carrie talks about creativity and expressing grief and loss… that in many ways can offer insight and comfort for those who are grieving

Maureen – “Grief doesn’t stop, even when the outside world is in crisis”

Maureen gives suggestions about how you can help people in grief

Krista – “How I dealt with it”

Krista talks about how she dealt with underlying issues. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Jenn – What does an art therapist do

Jenn explains how art therapist use the creative process to help people make positive changes to improve their overall health and to enhance their well being

Carrie – Photography and grieving

Carrie discusses how photography can be very freeing in that it allows for exploration and move us away from the need to explain and can be more about experience what our own process is all about.

Claudia – Working with an art therapist

Claudia how all art making is theraputic and working with an art therapist amplifies the process in a positive way