Supporting Others

Joyce- Learning to live with grief

Joyce shares a story of support from a friend and how she managed in her early grief

Zoreena – Support systems

Zoreena explains the importance of support systems

Jim – Supporting someone in crisis

Jim talks about supporting someone in crisis and how being there for them can help. That may mean answering the phone at 2am, taking them to the doctor’s appointment, and checking tup on them. It’s not easy, but it’s the right thing to do. He was fortunate to have a friend who did this for him, and is still grateful for their support. If you know someone who is struggling, don’t be afraid to step up. It could make all the difference.

Maureen – “If someone you know has experienced pregnancy & infant loss”

Maureen explains practical tools to help someone who is grieving.

Coping with Guilt in Grief Playlist

Listen to the thoughts and insights of people and families living with grief.

John – Empower yourself

John shares his thoughts about how to support someone in grief and his processes

John – Support over time

John discusses how support changes over time

John Martin – Loss and Grief – Get Your Feeling Out

John discusses the importance of getting your feelings out

Michele – Covid and virtual support

MIchele discuss support and how COVID has affected our grief in so many waysort

Sarah K – Supporting someone in grief

Sarah gives her thoughts on how many things there are you can domto support someone in grief and how to be proactive

Kate – Trust and listening

Kate – explains how having someone you trust is super important so that you can have a space space to go to

John Martin – Loss and Grief- Make Sure You Hear Their Story

John about the importance of hearing a griever