Death of a Parent

Karyn and Aidan – The what if game and guilt

Karyn and Aidan explain how they have dealt with guilt

Cheryl and Mike – “Their Story”

Cheryl and Mike discuss losing more than one family member. They continue to grieve Cheryl’s father and the death their daughter in a car accident.

Bryan – This Is Why

Bryan shares about his new website “This is why”a creative form, for blog stories for grievers to express themselves and for readers to connect

Margaux – “Find People in Similar Situations”

Margaux talks about group therapy and writing as tools for processing grief. Margaux continues to grieve the death of her mother from breast cancer.

Karyn and Aidan – Coping with the COVID restrictions

Karyn and Aidan talk about how they dealt with not being able to visit John in hospital

Lisa – How to support someone in grief

Lisa shares what was helpful from other people when she was grieving

Lisa – Music and her connection with her father

Lisa talks about the gratitude she has for reconnecting with her father before he died and how much music was a connection for them

Jackie – Finger painting and grief

Jackie discusses how finger painting help her with her feelings while she was grieving the loss of her mother and sister

Lyss – Seasonal Reminders

Lyss seasonal reminders and her mother dying at New Years

Bryan – Vulnerability

Bryan talks about things are not always OK and that’s OK and things are going to get better

Jessica M – Finding Hope

Jessica shares memories of her brothers birthday which was just before her mothers death and how they all found hope

Amber – Talking about death

Amber explains why it’s so important to talk about grief and her kids