Death of a Partner

Death of a Partner Playlists

View video playlists related to specific topics, including both participants and grief professionals. Use the controls at the top-left to navigate videos within playlist.

Grief Stories features short videos, podcast interviews, and blog posts offering ideas for coping with grief. The tools and activities on this website are intended to be used as a resource for people who are grieving, those who are supporting grievers and healthcare professionals. The information provided is NOT meant to be a substitute for professional therapy.

All content, including our videos, is vetted by health care experts.

Death of a Partner - Related Videos

John – What I have learned

John explains how he has changed since his wife died and now looking back what he would say to his self right after his loss

Andrea – Couples versus being single

Andrea talks about becoming single when her husband died

Jean – Traditions and grief

Jean discusses belief systems and traditions

Jean – Helping your children through grief

Jean discusses how helping her children through grief also helped her

Kara – “Moving On”

Kara talks about selling their house and the transition. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Jean – Be good to yourself

Jean shares about support and not being hard on yourself

Kara – “Getting rid of stuff”

Kara talks about stuff, guilt and memories. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Doug M – “It’s Ok to have a new life”

Doug tells how he has had mixed emotions but that ultimately it’s OK to have a new life. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Kara – “Same Sex Couple”

Kara talks about never having discussed being a same sex couple with most of her family. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Andrea – Grieving during a pandemic

Andrea discusses the challenges of grieving during a pandemic