Death of A Loved One

Katie “Ongoing Grief”

Katie talks about the loss of her mother.

The First Fathers’ Day Without Dad

When you lose a person in the generation before you, you begin to think about what they meant to you. When you lose a parent, you think about all they meant, and you hoped you either lived up to the best of yourself, or in some cases where the parenting was not as instructive or kind, you hope you’ve raised yourself beyond difficult circumstances.

John – Being helpful to someone in grief

John shares his thoughts on how to help someone in grief

Logan – My story

Logan talks about the death of his father and bone cancer and how writing music helped

Sunny- Grieving Different Losses

Grief and Parenting in the Disability Community

In this blog post, Carrie writes about being the parent and primary caregiver to a child with disabilities and grieving the loss of a child dying from their disabilities.

Cheryl – “My story” short version

Cheryl talks about her daughter’s organ donations.

Kara – “Same Sex Couple”

Kara talks about never having discussed being a same sex couple with most of her family. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Andrew – “Loss of a twin”

Andrew talks about the loss of his twin brother, time in the womb and that there are people out there that can help. Andrew continues to grieve the death of his twin brother by mishap.

Betsy – You can’t know until you know

Betsy talks about support and what really helps when one is in grief

Jessica M – Finding Hope

Jessica shares memories of her brothers birthday which was just before her mothers death and how they all found hope

Andrea – Grieving during a pandemic

Andrea discusses the challenges of grieving during a pandemic