Grief and Trauma

Bryan – Helping Others

Bryan explains how his experience with grief has helped him help others and why it’s so important for him.

Cheryl and Mike – “Getting through it”

Cheryl and Mike talk about self care and relationships as they move forward. They continue to grieve the death their daughter in a car accident.

Rev. Sky – “Yearning”

Rev. Sky discusses yearning and how it’s OK to feel those emotions.

Sarah K – Complicated feelings

Sarah discusses the complicated emotions after her husband’s death like feeling sad, distraught, overwhelmed , relieved and guilty

Russell – “Is this your only child?”

Russell talks about the loss of his second son and only having one child. Russell continues to grieve the perinatal death of his son.

Rev. Sky – “Why”

Rev. Sky talks about the question of why and how to look beyond it.

Sarah K – Talking about the cause of death

Sarah talks about husbands death to a heroin overdose and stigmatized death.

Krista – “It does get easier”

Krista talks about time and acceptance. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Sarah K – Grieving during a pandemic

Sarah discusses how the pandemic has pulled back the curtain on grief

Christian – “Grief can shape you”

Christian talks about realizing the impact grief has.

Karyn and Cathy – “Suicide”

Karyn and Cathy discuss how the stigma of suicide impacted the lack of acknowledgement of their grief and loss. Karyn and Cathy continues to grieve the death of their father by suicide.

The Meaning of Tisha B’Av

Starting on sundown, July 26th , some Jews will begin to fast. Unlike the more well-known Yom Kippur,
which is for atonement, Tisha B’Av is a specific holiday for mourning and grief. Its exact date varies with the ancient Jewish lunar Calendar, but is sometime in July or early August. All Jewish commemorations
begin in the evening due to this lunar calendar.