
Jackie – Expressive arts and what you can do

Jackie explains the many ways that expressive arts can help with grief.

Jacqueline – Crying

Jacqueline talks about how grief is love and how crying is natural

Jenn – Art can give voice

Jenn talks about the barriers that may prevent someone from including art as part of their grief or emotional process including judgment of your art skills and more.

Jackie – Expressive arts and grief

Jackie talks about expressive arts as systems of support

Chantal – Anticipatory grief

Chantal defines antipatory grief and the grief before the physical loss

Claudia – What do I do when my art is finished

Claudia explains some helpful tips after your art is finished

Kate – My art and my brother

Kate talks about being an artist and expression through art can remind her of her brothers encouragement

Chantal – Graphic novels and art therapy

Chantal defines what a graphic novel is and how words mix with imagery like a dance

Claudia – Taking your art home after art therapy

Claudia talks about why sometimes not to take your art home after therapy

Jenn – What an art therapist can show us about processing grief

Jenn talks about how art can give a form to grief. It can give it shape and texture so it can be seen when it is often so invisible. It can also be messy which so like our grief experience

Tending to My Garden of Grief

So long as I remember the lives of those I have lost, honour their presence and impact on me and celebrate their spirit, they will continue to live with me and the pain will feel bearable. It will no longer stop me in my tracks. Instead, it will encourage me and propel me forward through the transmutation of that grief into something different, something more nuanced and fluid. I’d like to share a practice for processing grief which I have found to be especially helpful.

Nicole – Using Art and Creativity to Express Grief

Nicole discusses the work she does to allow access to creative outlets such as art hives and gardening.